The Future: Whatever it holds

I see my future room in a city somewhere. My creative journey will continue, but I see my creative identity shaping my future in many ways.


As I pursue a degree in computer science, my creativity, innovation, and design skills will help me as I problem solve. In addition, I hope to use computer science to solve real world problems, so these skills will empower my human-centered design capacity and allow me to envision user needs and the experience of the people on the receiving end of my computer programming.


My dream is to utilize my computer science and programming skills to produce new and innovative journalism and journalistic mediums.  My creativity and innovation skills include asking the right questions, which will help me solve problems in the journalism industry, but also as I report, talk about, and interview on real world issues


For the next four years, my Engineers Without Borders club will be working to implement a water system in Kenya. WIth the framework of human-centered design in mind, my creativity, innovation, and design skills will help on the technical side and the impact side of the project.

team dynamics

Next fall, I will be participating in the Keller Center's eLab course, working with three other group members to develop an app to tackle invasive species. Besides the obvious impact that my creativity, innovation, and design experience will have on the app design experience, it will also inform my role within a group: how I interact with my groupmates, my strengths and weaknesses, and my creative process.


This summer, I will be building an open-path ammonia sensor and drone system at an on-campus civil engineering lab. As I encounter problems (and I will!) my creativity, innovation, and design skills provide me with some tools to circumvent issues. What I've learned about my own personal work ethic will be invaluable in these moments.


My creativity, innovation, and design skills will finally inform my understanding of myself. To understand my creativity is to understand better my perspective, experiences, and personality. As I continue to learn about my creativity, I will continue to learn about myself, and what I know already means I have better insight into my own beliefs and values.

"ambiguity gives us creative freedom"

Some day, my room will have white, empty walls—but not because of an aversion to art or a lack of creativity. I find a certain inspiration in the empty white: it's a sort of creative potential that is untapped. As I continue to learn more about my own creativity, I will create, but the potential for more is still infinite.